...anything healthy grows...
".And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved." (Acts 2:47)
Often, leaders can spend much of their energy trying to inspire their churches out of internal focus, dealing with church boards' difficulties, raising volunteers, breaking generational barriers, balancing tradition and innovation that church growth does not get the strategic oxygen it needs to flourish.
We can work long hours and put in everything that we have got (and a little bit more on occasions!) and yet still not see the growth we know is a promise of God.
“I WILL build my church..." (Matthew 16:18)
There is no quick fix to church growth. Church growth is dynamic and strategic, and to coin a new phrase that has been adopted by industry; we need an agile strategy to keep it at the forefront. How do we do that? By continual analysis and adjustment. Before you say, "I would love to be in a culture that can manage that kind of continual adjustment!" Let me state the obvious.
Our job as leaders is to create a healthy culture. It can (indeed it must) be done for our churches to grow.
In my experience, one of the key elements in this journey is for the key leader (and ideally their team) to invest time away from the office as it were, get back to the basics and recalibrate the Modus Operandi of the church.
This is just as important for a large church as it is for a small church of 50.
One of the most effective ways of doing this is through the Breakthrough Conference.