Church Consultancy Services

External Clarity, helping Internal Transformation

"Examine yourselves..." (2 Corinthians 13:5)

"...from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do..." (1 Chronicles 12:32)


Sometimes we need to stop and see where we are on the map, in relation to our destination. That can be complex for busy pastors and teams who can sometimes struggle to be objective when they are so immersed in the journey.

I learned the benefit of external organisation appraisal early on in my church growth experience, and have been privileged to work with several churches in this area myself, using my experience in leadership and exposure to a plethora of great churches as the primary resource. Generally, they tend to follow the following process, depending on what is under review.

  1. A clear brief is produced by the church outlining the area of review and the desired outcome. 
  2. Research then takes place with the various facets concerned. (Interviews, or documents, or demographics etc.)
  3. A full report is then produced that gives an honest appraisal of the situation and any recommendations that may be helpful.
  4. That report is then personally presented to the Senior Leader, Church Leadership Team or Team Director to discuss in more detail.
  5. If needed, any training needs that arise are customised and presented.

These reviews can be helpful in several ways. For example, perhaps there is high turnover or lack of synergy in staff teams. Maybe the church is struggling to gain clarity with its vision. Often, the church is struggling to align itself with its next growth level. Perhaps there is a significant building program that is being embarked upon, and creative input is needed to ensure that the build meets the need. There is no end to what can be accomplished through this review process, and all strategic reviews are different for each organisation.

For some recent consultancy references, you will find them here.

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