About us

What is Church Dynamics?

Simply put, Church Dynamics exists to serve the local church (and businesses) and to help them to flourish and grow.  

It is often said that anything healthy grows. So, rather than pursuing growth in an organisation, it is far better to pursue health. Great health comes from a great culture that generates great habits. Guess what? Culture is not a destination, it is a journey that needs intentionality to establish it and determination to maintain it.

I often remember having the revelation that in order to grow an organisation, it needs to have a culture of continual change. Continual change means that it is dynamic because if something is dynamic, it is characterised by constant change, activity, and progress.

“And now I’m going to tell you who you are, really are. You are Peter, a rock. This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out.” (Matt. 16:18 MESSAGE)

The process that got your organisation to where it is may not necessarily get you to where you are going next. It's not uncommon to find that the new model that replaced our straight jacket of years ago becomes a new straight jacket years later. To make it worse, through familiarity we can become blind to the need and like Dives in Luke 16, regularly step over the very thing we should change.

Church Dynamics consists mainly of me, Mike Robins, a Senior Pastor of over 30 years now working with a major charity, but still with a passion to help churches and organisations change. Either using my own experience and gifts or bringing in colleagues and friends if needed, I find myself with limited availability to help select organisations become healthy, growing and dynamic. I have experience of small churches and organisations, and large churches and organisations.

In all my years of Senior leadership, I have always appreciated wise outside impartial input. Experienced people that could be trusted who could speak into my situation and help me to separate the wood from the trees. Often, they would simply crystallise what I already knew I should do, but equally often they saved me from taking my church down an altogether less effective path.

I have run a team with only me in it and church staff of over thirty part-time and full-time staff. I have grown a church from small beginnings into a dynamic church that impacts nationally and internationally. I have struggled with the little and I have raised millions of pounds for the resource for the Kingdom. I am keen to use that experience to help churches (and organisations) become what they should become… Dynamic.

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