"Working with others and bouncing ideas the prophetic all coupled in sound thinking and planning is always great. Always new ways to learn and think and adapt, whilst also creating clear plans and messages that your church/organisation sends the world. This course came at a key time for me, and I am excited to lead the team through it as well."
Online Breakthrough scores around 97.5% satisfaction from those who attend. What is Breakthrough? Click here for information.
Although Breakthrough began life as an "on-site" conference, it has been run online prompted by the COVID crisis. Guess what? It works brilliantly! So if your team is remote, or time and finance are an issue regarding an On-site Conference, then this is a great alternative. After every major teaching and training session, I run a survey to see if we hit the spot. Some testimonies from recent online Breakthrough conferences can be found here
Like its partner, On-site Breakthrough, the online version can be customised to suit the need. Generally, however, the following format has worked well:
- The course is run over the Zoom platform
- Manuals with space for notes and "fill in's" are emailed out prior to the course starting.
- Six two hour sessions give space for teaching and feedback
- Group work is carried out in Zoom breakout rooms
- The meeting opens 15 minutes before the official start for coffee and relationship building.
- Post-conference progress meetings are held at 8 or 12 week intervals, where feedback is given and discussion takes place as to how the church or organisation is progressing.
If you would like to explore running an On-site Breakthrough Conference, just send me an enquiry by email